It was so nice to see Keloland’s Perry Groten along with assignment editor, Dexter Gronseth, on photographer duty, out to meet Linda and me at the airport upon our arrival home from Hawaii late Friday afternoon. I was only a little disappointed to learn that they weren’t actually there to put us on the news but to chronicle the annual invasion of pheasant hunters flying in from all over the country for the Saturday opener.
Our nine days in the tropical sunshine were great but, even though the cold air was a shock to the system, it’s nice to be home. Unfortunately, home is where Linda and I have both been confined to ever since we got back. No sooner did we get in the house than Linda noticed her head was still plugged as if her body’s automatic air pressure sensor had malfunctioned upon final descent into Sioux Falls. Her ears never popped and her nose began running. “I’m layin’ down,” she said. “The unpacking can wait until tomorrow.” “ I don’t feel so great myself,” said I with a cough that came from my toe nails. I haven’t stopped coughing since and now my rib cage feels so sore its like having gone 12 rounds with Muhammad Ali.
So, now it is Monday morning and both Linda and I are just starting to feel well enough to try figure out where, when and how we were both blindsided by a bug that got into our systems and simultaneously caused separate but serious cold symptoms to attack with such severity. This has happened before after long hours of travel involving the tight quarters of fuselages and confined airport gate areas but never to this degree. Perhaps too, it’s Norwegian karma. Every action (yah, sure you tink you’re so great gettin’ to go to Hawaii) there’s an equal opposite reaction. (You’re both gonna get so sick you’ll be stuck in bed while you run out of cough drops, Vicks, Tussin, Kleenex and underwear.)
At any the words of Scarlett O’hara, “Tomorrow’s another day.” So, as promised, and, apparently, at great personal health risk, I’m including a final round of photos from our fabulous Keloland TV/ Holiday Vacations three island tour of Hawaii. Below is a shot of our Niece, Kimberly who, along with husband, Ryan and kids Toren, Kaia and Kekoa came from their home on Oahu to join us at our hotel for a fun evening of conversation, swimming and dining.
- was so great having my niece, Kim..her husband Ryan and their three delightful kids, Toren, Kaia and Kekoa come to our hotel from their home on Oahu for a swim, dinner and visit.

Not to be missed on Maui; the Iao Valley State Park which includes the Iao Needle a 12 hundred foot moss covered stone spire that rises from the canyon floor.

The sun actually ducked under the clouds for a few minutes during our visit to the Maui Ocean Center overlooking Ma’alaea Bay before heading to our hotel.

This is our view from the restaurant for breakfast. It’s open air with swans in the foreground and the Pacific in the background.

Sparrows, too, have the freedom to fly in and feed off the vacated tables before being shooed away by the staff. There is clearly and quite literally a “pecking order” among the birds. I was curious how they were trained not to poop all over the place but forgot to ask. There were no tell-tale white spots anywhere but that’s when I noticed Linda’s coffee had creamer in it and she always takes her coffee black. (kidding)

Speaking of wild Hawaiian creatures, these guys are everywhere. They were once beloved but are now just annoying because they’re constantly asking tourists about saving money on car insurance.

I wasted quite a bit of time trying to get Shreck, here, to talk or whistle as advertised on the lobby sign but he would only look pretty and prune (preen) himself.

Of course no Hawaiian Holiday would be complete without a Luau and ours, right at the hotel, was spectacular.
Now… instead of salt water, it’s the aroma of Vicks Vapo Rub wafting up my nose.
But, you know, if I close my eyes I can still see those amazing sunsets, hear the gentle waves unfold onto the sandy shore and feel the warm breeze brushing against my face.
Aloha and Ma halo.