Dark Day in Dallas

I was with several other members of the senior class at Volga High School who had just finished eating lunch in the school cafeteria and were slowly drifting back to the study hall for a few minutes before our next class. It was Friday and, as usual, hard to concentrate on school work with the…

SD’s Best All “Around” Artist

I’ve interviewed a lot of really smart people over the years managing to bluff my way through most of them by avoiding questions that might expose my stupidity. One that comes to mind is the late Buckminster Fuller. Fuller, who died in 1983, was an American engineer, author and inventor whose futuristic architectural designs, like…

Jim Woster Turns Four Score

Father..it’s been awhile since my last confession…er, ah..posting.  There are so many feelings I have about this pandemic…this political chaos..this racial upheaval  in America I just don’t know what to say that hasn’t been said  by others ad nauseam. So I thought I’d post something more pleasant and share a few fun memories..especially  about the…

Doing Your Doodie

Greetings from our corner of the corona 19 cease and desist order. It’s been awhile since we last chatted here so I’m not sure if my blog site is still active but here goes. Thank God I have Linda to share this little confinement area of ours. We co-exist pretty darn well. At least she…

Back In The Ratt Race

Back in 1969, area AM radio stations pretty much focused on farmers, (WNAX) housewives (KSOO) and teens. (KISD). No one had thought of..or dared to try..cashing-in on the fast growing popularity of country music. No one until John Breece, that is. In February of that year, he exploded into the market with KXRB. It had…

KELOLAND Television…My Home

Bzzzzzt! “My gosh, it still works,” I thought to myself as I waved my old coded  ID card in front of the little black box outside the KELOLAND parking lot and the gate slowly rose to let me in. I guess I’ve always been surprised that the gates of KELOLAND were ever opened to me…

Christmas Beginnings

If you’re allergic to corn, or are diabetic, stop reading now!  It’s about to get awfully corny and sugary sweet around here. As I close in on my 74th Christmas, I got to thinking about which ones have been the most memorable. The first Christmas I have any recollection of at all was in 1949…

Home Movie Memories

Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? I have the answer..my dad’s home movies of Yellowstone National Park. Trouble is, I haven’t figured out how to market them to all you insomniacs out there yet. We made that family trip to Yellowstone in the summer of 1953, I believe. I just remember being car-sick…

Food For Thought

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with strings These are a few of my favorite things.” I haven’t seen the movie, “The Sound of Music” in years..so why is that song running over and over through my head? I like the tune…

Sentimental Journey

Linda and I are just back from 12 days of togetherness; unavoidably..but still comfortably inseparable because we decided on a serious 36 hundred mile road trip in our new (to us) Big Red II Ford Explorer.   Our motivation to embark on such a long journey to Seneca, South Carolina, was the 50th anniversary surprise party…