Plumb’s The Word

“Douglas, come down here!” Whenever I hear those words uttered from the lips of my dear wife down in our basement..I shudder. First of all, it can’t be good if she uses my whole first name and if it IS bad news, there’s a 99% chance it has something to do with water. The only…

Oh, What A Night!

I don’t mean to put too fine a point on it but for someone who works at  and worries about finding  just the right words to describe things I have experienced, none seem adequate enough today to explain the thrilling sensation I..and about 15 hundred other fans of old time Rock and Roll..enjoyed at the…

Pennies From Heaven

I shelled out the most I’ve ever paid for a tank of gasoline last weekend in Minneapolis; $3.99.9 a gallon. How stupid do they think we are, to fall for that old penny pricing trick? “Yah, it’s high alright but at least it hasn’t gotten up to four bucks yet.”   Although I admit I once…

And The Charnley Goes To……

Other than the airport, Linda and I haven’t been to the Twin Cities in ages. We remedied that last weekend with a quick trip to attend the Northwest Broadcast News Association’s annual awards banquet. More about that in a minute.  We used to go there several times a year especially when our daughter, Suzan was…

Taylor’s War

The war in Iraq must be all but over since we don’t hear much about it on the nightly news any more. We still have about 40-thousand American troops over there but the main mission now appears to be propping up a shaky Iraqi army and government so we can clean up our mess and…

Exposing Valhalla

 Whew! Our long state nightmare is finally over. Valhalla has been returned to the people! To be honest, I didn’t know this governor’s getaway in the Black Hills even existed until about three years ago when democrats tried to have a political meeting at the cabin and were turned down flat by Republican Governor Mike…

Rock On Part 3

 I had a rather surreal experience the other morning. One of the biggest names in Hollywood gave me a call on my cell. Nah, it wasn’t an offer to be in a movie or TV show..but to respectfully decline an invitation to come home and be present in person for his induction into the South…

Sioux Falls’ Nuclear Experiment

 I suppose I’m just going to have to give in and jump on the wind generator bandwagon as an alternative energy source now that the disaster in Japan has soured public opinion on Nuclear energy even more. Steve Hemmingsen, who lives in the shadow of a gazillion of those unsightly(my opinion) electric generating whirligigs spinning away…

Tragedy In Hi Def

Sure, no sooner do I finally shake this cold that’s been gobbling away at my energy and disposition for the last two weeks, than I come under attack from another virus. This one, though, was aimed at my computer..not my body. Ever since the terrible earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I, like most of you,…