Let’s Tie One On

In the summer of 1965, one of my jobs at Cotton & Company grain elevator in  Volga was to stuff 100 pounds of fluffy oat hulls into burlap bags..stitch them shut with a huge suspended sewing machine..stack them up five high on a wooden cart and wheel them into the warehouse.  Next to scooping out moldy…

A Friendly Wave Goodbye

As I fired up the snowblower this morning to tackle the crusty mound of street snow piled high at the end of our driveway, I thought of Linda who flew off to sunny warm Arizona a week ago and felt a twinge of jealousy. All four of her sisters have gathered in Phoenix for a…

Losing A Favorite Uncle

A former U.S. Presidential candidate from Sioux Falls has died. Robert L. Johnson passed away January 2nd  after a lengthy illness. He was 93. Wait..you don’t remember any Bob Johnson who made a bid for the White House? How about Johnson’s alter ego, Uncle Torvald? Johnson portrayed the exaggerated Norwegian buffoon character for some twenty…

The Greatest Christmas Gift Of All

Alright, the title should have a disclaimer; “Other than the birth of Jesus.” I see TBS is going to run one of my favorite movies of all time, A Christmas Story, 24 hours straight again beginning Christmas Eve. I’m glad. It’s become a tradition and I expect my family and I will find time after…

To The Moon And Back

Well, I gotta tell ya, I checked out the celestial  light show last night and have to admit that I haven’t seen a moon that impressive and large since my nephew, Jay pointed his naked posterior out the open back window of a friend’s car while cruising the Sioux Falls loop in the 80’s.  (Jay..now…

Halloween Treats

As I sit here looking out my window watching the leaves finally giving up the ghost; letting go of their host branches to make a swirly..sometimes spectacular aerobatic flight to earth, I’m reminded that Halloween is neigh.  Now, I’m not as crazy about Autumn as some but I always loved Halloween..especially growing up in little,…

Long Division

It’s been a while again, I know..but I’ve really had to think long and hard about whether or not I should offer up any political commentary here. Linda says..NO! Good god NO. I agree. Why alienate any of the remaining Lund at Large readers by taking sides in this..the weirdest and most polarizing election in…

Rain And Worms

By the time many of you read this, the skies will be crystal clear and me rambling on about summertime downpours and all-day soakers, will seem odd. But this September day has been a wet one mixed with extended periods of deluge and gentle raindrops falling on my head. To be honest, I love days…

Hey Macarena

Alright, I fully confess to being an emotional old softie. It goes totally against the grain of my genetic make-up, of course, which is 100 percent stoic Norwegian. But I broke with tradition recently at the wedding of our grandson, Taylor Smith to his lovely petite Spanish bride, Macarena Escondrillas Luna de Toledo where I…