Highway 1 And Tinsel Town

Wow! Our bus went right by the site of that natural gas explosion South of San Francisco the day before it happened. Meanwhile, we were merrily on our way driving through some of the most beautiful scenery on earth; the Pacific Coast Highway. It’s often called the most spectacular meeting of land and sea in…

Don’t Call It “Frisco”

The drive from Lake Tahoe to San Francisco is a beautiful one; first through the eastern Sierras then  fertile irrigated farm valleys to the stunning Pacific Bay.   Just don’t try make that 200 mile drive on Labor Day!  The holiday traffic jams began just outside of Tahoe and didn’t let up much until well past…

The Amtrak Experience

Okay, I admit to having a few reservations about Amtrak before we began this latest Keloland/Holiday Vacations tour west; I’d heard I might find it  boring, cramped, noisy and uncomfortable. But over the past few days, those apprehensions have melted into an affection for trains and an appreciation for the nostalgic experience we’ve just been…

Colorado Here We Come

Greetings one and all from Beautiful downtown Denver..home of the Big Blue Bear.  To be honest, I’m not finding Denver to be all that beautiful.  Oh, the mountains in the distance are nice..but on the way here from the airport (which is so far away they should book separate flights) we drove past a few…

R.I.P. Morris Magnuson

“We aren’t certain about the exact cause of Dad’s death,” said Lee Magnuson when I called this morning to express my sympathy over his father’s passing. “Even though he was 89, dad was so darn busy all the time people forgot that he had heart by-pass 23 years ago and wore a pacemaker..so we figure…

Thinkin’ Lincoln and Todd

I haven’t been hearing too much lately about newspapers around the country having to fold up operations under pressure from the internet.  It may still be happening, I just haven’t noticed. I’ve never really bought into the claims that newspapers and local TV newscasts would eventually be put out to pasture because people will be…

Voice Of Keloland

Can’t sleep. It’s four o’clock in the morning and I’m as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve. That’s because in less than an hour, I’m going to begin another chapter in my long association with Keloland Television.  The recorded voice you’ll be hearing from now on introducing all the news and weathercasts, as well…

Interviewing The Interviewer

Ugh… Another morning where the humidity is so high that our windows look like the bathroom mirror after a hot shower. I got up early to make coffee and found another earwig bug in the sink which I promptly dispatched. I thought Linda had successfully eliminated them from the planet several weeks ago with her…

The Civil War In Pipestone

I have always been fascinated by The Civil War. I’m not so much interested in the precise battle strategies or exact dates, times and locations of each engagement but rather in the mind set of those men who did the actual fighting. How could they be convinced to take up arms and fire upon a…