Happy Fourth

It would be like Christmas without lefse (Norwegian version of a tortilla only made from potatoes) if I didn’t see at least a short fireworks display on the Fourth of July. So, again this year just before dark, I’ll try drag Linda, who doesn’t share my sentimentality about tradition, off to some public fireworks show.…

Uncle Ray’s Longest Day

At the age of 35, my uncle,  Army Private  1st Class Raymond Lund, would have been considered the old man of his outfit, Company C. of the 357th infantry. Most of the soldiers who climbed over the side of their ship and down the rope ladder to waiting landing craft below on D-Day, were 10…

I’m A Travelin’ Man

For the last 34 years, Linda and I have made it a point to celebrate our anniversary in June by taking a road trip somewhere. They’ve all been fun but some more memorable than others. For example, in 1987, we managed to talk our bosses into letting us have three whole weeks off at once so…

The Importance of Being Prompt-ed

“I don’t trust anybody who doesn’t look me square in the eye.” We’ve all heard people say that because making eye contact with others as we speak or listen does suggest we’re being truthful in what we’re saying and interested in what we’re hearing. The trouble is, a lot of us Norwegians are naturally shy…

So Long Big Red

Well, I’m car shopping again. Okay, it’s been 17 years since last having said that. But now, Linda and I have no choice. You see, Big Red, our 2000 Lincoln town car which has served Linda and I so loyally for so long, has been brought to a humiliating end…by me. First, a little background.…

Gentleman Gary

Every once in a while an individual graces this earth who touches the hearts of all he meets. Gary Randall was such a soul. Just writing his name in the past tense brings a tear to the eye. Gary died Saturday from the cancer he’s been fighting for a long time. He was not only…

Autumn Aroma

Well, it’s going to be interesting again over the next couple weeks trying to figure out which day our humungous backyard maple tree will decide to let its leaves turn from green to yellow and then drop them all at once like a clumsy waiter. It happens just that quickly as if our maple is…

Grandpa Gruseth’s Holiday Homecoming

My brother, Tom and his wife Ilene have a beautiful lake home in South Carolina but really haven’t spent much time there lately. They’re back home in South Dakota to celebrate their 50th high school reunion. (Yep..high school sweethearts) They didn’t have much time to unpack following a three week Viking Ship tour of Europe…

Drive-In Movie Memories

Add sweet cream butter to hot popcorn mix it up, wrap it up, buttercup is born.It’s delicious, so nutritious, it’s a taste delight It’s so munchy, crisp and crunchy, you’ll enjoy each bite. Eat Butter drenched Buttercup, popcorn at its best Served in a king sized cup. It beats all the rest. Okay, anybody else…

Hemmingsen On Kranz

Of course I knew Dave Kranz. You can’t be in the same line of work in the same town for over twenty years without a knowledge of each other. The truth is…and I base this on nothing he ever said or done..I  didn’t think Dave thought much of me as a real journalist. He was…