Can You Handle The Truth About Dallas?

When news came out about these two Miami Dolphin linemen suddenly out of pro quitting because his teammate kept bullying and threatening him, the other kicked out of the league for doing the bullying and threatening, brought to mind a similar story about a high school classmate of mine; Gene Vostad.  Gene was a…

WEATHER: You Like It Or Not

I posted a comment on Facebook  the other day when the snow was coming down so heavy it looked like we’d be buried in it up to our armpits till April. I said “well, this will likely solve my problem of trying to find somebody to trim my trees and rake the leaves until spring”…

A Halloween Confession

  I certainly hope the statute of limitations applies here because I’m about to confess to a crime from my youth that continues to haunt me more than any ghost or goblin ever could this time of year. I’m pretty sure it was in the fall of 1959 because I had reached that awkward age…

Halloween Treats

Halloween was always fun and exciting for me as a kid..well, except for that one year where some do-gooder in the church convinced my and most every other child’s parents that instead of going door to door trying to extort as much candy as possible, we should trick or treat for UNICEF. Thankfully, that only…


It was so nice to see Keloland’s Perry Groten along with assignment editor, Dexter Gronseth, on photographer duty, out to meet Linda and me at the airport upon our arrival home from Hawaii late Friday afternoon. I was only a little disappointed to learn that they weren’t actually there to put us on the news but to…

Hawaii Part Deux

Having trouble getting and staying on-line here at our fabulous hotel resort on the Island of Kauai so while I have the chance I’m going to include some pictures with captions as quickly as possible especially for the families of the folks traveling with us who want to see just what mom and dad are…

Aboard The Mighty Mo

Can you believe it? Sunshine and low 80’s is the forecast here on Waikiki beach, Honolulu Hawaii today. Jay Trobec might like the climate here but he’d be bored to tears working as a meteorologist in Hawaii. The weather doesn’t change much all year round except for an occasional tsunami warning which would scare the…


Like most every American, I’m really ticked off about this federal government shutdown. It’s an embarrassment to the country and an unnecessary hardship on hundreds of thousands..perhaps millions..of people caught in the middle.  But to be perfectly honest, I haven’t been directly affected by it at all until now; and I’m not going to get…

A Little Dead In Deadwood

Greetings from the Bullock Hotel in Downtown Deadwood. Hey, we’re not just staying here, we’ve got the third floor left center room; the one that faces main street. The one that people use to center their camera shots when taking pictures of this historic building built by Seth Bullock back in the late 1800’s.  …

I Don’t Have Colon Cancer

If I hear my doctor try talk me into having a colonoscopy one more time I’m going to ……I’m going to …..well, have one I guess. Yup, I finally relented when, during my last check up, he found my excuses to be especially flimsy IE: I think I’d be the first to know if something…