Brothers Of The Sea

I come from a long line of seafaring folks. Well, you have to go pretty far back in my lineage to find them but I AM full blown Norwegian so it seems only logical that my ancestors spent a good amount of time on the water whether it be floating down a fjord fishing for…

You Were My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine

I’ve been shopping at Sunshine on east 10th ever since my daughters were young enough to still want a ride on the rocking horse machine inside every store entrance. “Daddy, let’s go to the store with the horsy.” Back in the early 70’s, my cousin, Grouse, wrote a TV commercial for Sunshine featuring that kiddie…

Mushing And Glacier Cruising

My gosh..two weeks have flown by and WE’LL soon be flying back to South Dakota  where Noah has apparently been gathering up animals two by two.        Out here on the tundra, we’ve been hearing reports of the big rains around Sioux Falls and Linda has been fretting about our basement but friend and house watcher,…

Northern Exposure

Yes, the Alcan Highway is rough and bouncy. Yes, the mosquitoes are the size of hungry hummingbirds. Yes, the weather changes more often than Lori Line on tour. But the Yukon Territory and Alaska also contain some of the most stunningly majestic mountains and wondrously remote wilderness areas on earth. We’ve managed to see a…

Along The Klondike Trail

“Ooga Ooga Mooska” from the Great White North! Have arrived in Whitehorse, the capital of Yukon Territory CANADA! It seems like we’ve spent more time in Canada so far on this journey than in Alaska..but we’re getting there. This is the first time since Seattle, we’ve had access to free internet..but civilization ends tonight when…

McGovern Takes A Dive

 I’ve always been a George McGovern fan.  Even though we sometimes differ politically,  I think he’s one of the smartest and most accommodating people I’ve ever met.  He’s my version of a 20th century Thomas Jefferson. From the time when he piloted 35 missions in a B-24 during World War II, to his many years…

On My High Horse

“Hey, we could go through Louisville if we want to. Anybody interested in visiting Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby Museum?” I said from behind the wheel of Big Red as we motored east. “Sure,” came the reply from Linda and Joanie in the back seat. “Absolutely,” Denny said as he reached for the GPS…

The Dog Days Of Summer

Linda and I had a big dose of Brandy over the weekend. Now, before you reach for the phone book and, for our own good, look up the number to Alcoholics Anonymous (It’s towards the front) let me explain. This is Brandy.   It’s our daughter and son-in-law’s doggie and since they were going to be…

Honest Abe

Does anybody else find it astounding how much money companies like Progressive, and Geico spend on advertising? I looked it up and it’s close to a BILLION dollars a year each. In fact, I’ve seen three insurance spots for Progressive in the last half hour. They’re everywhere on every channel; running so often that I…

Things That Really Bug Linda And Me

Aside from me backing out of the shower, nothing strikes terror into the heart of my dear wife, Linda, more than the sight of a spider. She is president of the arachnophobia club. So, of course, she’s always the first one to spot a spider crawling out from behind a counter or flower pot or…