A Couple Old Anchors’ Reunion

Jolted awake again this morning by loud noises and roaring engines coming from outside the house. Not garbage trucks this time, though. It’s our neighborhood’s turn to have the streets resurfaced..so the big contraption that dispenses little waterfalls of tar (or whatever that black sticky stuff is) mixed with sand on our avenue..got fired up…

You Can Go Home Again

I started feeling a little homesick on Friday which is odd since I haven’t lived in my ancestral home since 1965. I’ve been back to Volga many times since then, of course, but I’ve never really made time to check out some of the places that were such a major part of my life as…


Dang! Les Paul has died.  Okay, he was 94 and in pretty good health and playing music right up to the end..but it’s still sad to have yet another legend leave us. My personal connection to Les Paul is in a guitar that bears his name which I’ve had for over 40 years.  There’s quite a…

The Tastes Of Summer

Saturday  afternoon and the summer everybody’s been waiting for finally showed up.. along with humidity high enough to bring on flop sweats by simply bending over to tie your shoes. Linda and I along with our friends, the Graves, had planned to have a picnic where we could enjoy a bit of wine..cheese and a…

Facebook, Clinton & Fine Art

Just ask Linda; the last thing I need is an excuse to spend more time at the computer. But, thanks to Facebook, that’s just what I’m doing.  I know, I know..Facebook is nothing new but I figured it was mostly for kids to interact on the internet until my daughter got me hooked up a…

Baseball Cards And Bikes

Well, it’s come down to this. My creativity lapse has led me to stealing ideas from other writers. At least I’m swiping from one of the best; James Lileks. One of his recent columns in the Star Tribune featured a kid named Adam who had come up with, what he thought was, the coolest new…

Play That Funky Music White Boy

Wow..what a writing slump I’m in! I’ve tried to scribble a few things together over the past few days but then decide its all redundant tripe or just plain crapola..so I give it up… hoping that something better pops into my head or in the headlines that’s worth a comment or two here. But lately..nothing.…

Are You A Racist?

rac·ism AC_FL_RunContent = 0; var interfaceflash = new LEXICOFlashObject ( “http://cache.lexico.com/d/g/speaker.swf”, “speaker”, “17”, “15”, “”, “6”);interfaceflash.addParam(“loop”, “false”);interfaceflash.addParam(“quality”, “high”);interfaceflash.addParam(“menu”, “false”);interfaceflash.addParam(“salign”, “t”);interfaceflash.addParam(“FlashVars”, “soundUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.lexico.com%2Fdictionary%2Faudio%2Fahd4%2FR%2FR0007100.mp3&clkLogProxyUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fdictionary.reference.com%2Fwhatzup.html&t=a&d=d&s=di&c=a&ti=1&ai=51359&l=dir&o=0&sv=00000000&ip=d06b2594&u=audio”); interfaceflash.addParam(‘wmode’,’transparent’);interfaceflash.write();   (ra’siz’?m)     The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Discrimination or prejudice based on race. Come on..let’s be…

Everything But The Stewart Cink

Lund At Large My heart is broken and I’m disappointed to the point of gloom…all over a game of golf. But not just any game of golf..this was the  British Open, considered by most to be the most prestigious golf tournament in the world.     Many figured this year’s event in Scotland would be…

Making Hay While The Sun Shines

That noise you hear coming from the Keloland countryside is the sound of corn, soybeans and alfalfa growing. I know that some farmers have suffered hail and wind damage because of all the storms passing through over the last several weeks but in the fields that have been spared, I don’t remember ever seeing such…